after checking 2025/2026 jamb result what next-next step after jamb?
after checking 2025/2026 jamb result what next-next step after jamb?,after checking 2025/2026 jamb result what next-next step after jamb?,after checking 2025/2026 jamb result what next-next step after jamb?after checking 2025/2026/2025 jamb result what next-next step after jamb? now that jamb has released the 2025/2026 jamb results and having seen your results, probably your performance is
after checking 2025/2026 jamb result what next-next step after jamb?
after checking 2025/2026 jamb result what next-next step after jamb?,after checking 2025/2026 jamb result what next-next step after jamb?,after checking 2025/2026 jamb result what next-next step after jamb?
after checking 2025/2026/2025 jamb result what next-next step after jamb?
now that jamb has released the 2025/2026 jamb results and having seen your results, probably your performance is great or somehow it is still manageable what comes up in your mind is what is the next step after jamb? when will jamb start giving out admission?
for those whose (failed) performance was low
having checked your 2025/2026 jamb results and you discover that your results wasn’t encouraging at all, probably you scored about 100 or even 50.
sure you might feel dejected and downcast, you have to understand that failing jamb today does not been you will fail jamb exams tomorrow.
dust your self, look for a good tutorial center and start afresh in reading ahead for the next coming jamb exams.
don’t see your self as worthless, don’t engage in crime, you can still keep your self busy by learning one or two skills that will even be helpful to you while in school
- Universities That Accept Combination Of O’level results
- list of Schools That will Conduct a Written Post-Utme Admission Screening Exam this year
- How to confirm if your O level results has been uploaded to jamb portal
things to learn are :
painting/designing : I use to make money every new semester just to paint students rooms, they pay from 2500 upwards while some big boys pay as high as 5000 and this kept me going while in school
computer program : there are several programs you can learn such as MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel etc.
web programming : there is money here too, but it requires patience and determination to learn it very well
tailoring: 6 months will be enough for you to become experts i this, this will still help you to side hustle while in school, students can bring their jeans, shirt etc to reshape for them, while you charge like 200 to 300.
hair dressing : even men too can learn this, go to most of our universities men are now taking over from the ladies and women love it when men fix their hairs and nails.
for those who passed jamb:
let me congratulate you once more, you have passed one stage of the struggle but more struggle and obstacles are still on the way. you have to start preparing for post utme screening exercise and if possible learn one skills that will help you in school.
Things To Do After Jamb 2025/2026
This is for those who passed jamb and are preparing for jamb exams.
Check Your Score And Your Choice Institution: at this point you have to compare your score with the cut off mark of your institution
Check Your Course And Cut Off: I will advise you to also check the departmental cut off mark and also the general cut off mark as this will help you to plan your studies ahead
change of course form: if your school of choice cut off mark is too high you might consider getting a change of course form and chose a less competitive course and institution.
Be checking your school screening date : you don’t have to be left behind others, be on alert about when your school will start selling post utme form
Understand the school admission process : know Al the school demands from newly admitted students,find out their acceptance fee and plan ahead, the document they will need etc it’s a must you know all this.
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