WAEC English questions and answers
WAEC English questions and answers,WAEC English questions and answers,WAEC English questions and answers2025 WAEC English Answer is now Out – Waec English Language Essay, Objective & Test of Oral Questions Released.See Waec English 2025 answers for essay oral and obj here. The West African Examination Council (WAEC) May/ June English Language SSCE paper will be
WAEC English questions and answers
WAEC English questions and answers,WAEC English questions and answers,WAEC English questions and answers
2025 WAEC English Answer is now Out – Waec English Language Essay, Objective & Test of Oral Questions Released.
See Waec English 2025 answers for essay oral and obj here. The West African Examination Council (WAEC) May/ June English Language SSCE paper will be written on Thursday 9th May, 2025.
There will be three papers in Waec English 2025 – Papers 1, 2 (Objective and Essay) and 3 (Oral) which will start by 9:30am and end by 3.45pm.
- PAPER 1: Will consist of eighty multiple choice questions, all of which should be answered within 1 hour for 40 marks.
- PAPER 2: Will consist of five essay topics and a passage each to test candidates’ comprehension and summary skills. Candidates will be expected to write an essay on one of the topics and answer all the questions on Comprehension and Summary passages. The paper will last 2 hours and carry 100 marks.
- PAPER 3: Will consist of sixty multiple choice items on Test of Orals for candidates in Nigeria and Liberia, and that on Listening Comprehension for candidates in Ghana, The Gambia and Sierra Leone. All the questions will be answered in 45 minutes for 30 marks.
In this post, we will be posting sample questions from Waec english questions and answers that we feel are likely questions for preparation.
WAEC English Essay Questions:
[50 marks]
Answer ONE question only from this section.
All questions carry equal marks. Your answer should not be less than 450 words. You are advised to spend about 50 minutes on this section.
1. As a concerned student, write a letter to the Principal of your school informing him of recent acts of bullying by senior students and suggesting ways of arresting the situation.
2. You have learnt that your younger brother intends to involve himself in examination malpractice during the WASSCE. Write a letter to him warning him of the dangers of such an action and urging him to concentrate on his studies instead.
3. Write an article suitable for publication in one of your national dailies discussing the vandalization of public facilities in your country and its effects.
4. You are the Chief Speaker in a debate on the topic: Parents should allow their children to choose their own careers. Write your speech for or against the topic.
5. Write a story, real or imaginary which ends with “… I then realized that it pays to be disciplined.”.
[20 marks] You are advised to spend about 30 minutes on this section.
6. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.
Our planet is at risk. Our environment is under threat. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the seas we fish in, and soils we farm, the forests, animals and plants which surround us are in danger. New terms and words describe these problems: acid rain, the greenhouse effect, global warming, holes in the ozone layer, desertification and industrial pollution. We are changing our environment. More and more gases and wastes escape from our factories. Rubbish, oil silages and detergents damage our rivers and seas. Forests give us timber and paper, but their loss results in soil erosion and also endangers wildlife.
The richer countries of the world are mainly responsible for industrial pollution. This is where most of all the commercial energy is produced. In developing countries, poverty cause people to change their environment, to overgraze grassland, to cut down trees for new land and firewood, to farm poor soil for food.
The United Nations Environmental Protection Agency says that an area of forest the size of Sierra Leone disappears every year. Trees are cut down for timber which is used for building, furniture, paper and fuel. They are also destroyed to provide land on which to graze animals and build new villages and towns. But trees have many other important uses. Trees protect the land from heavy downpour of rain and their roots help to hold the soil together. Forests are also the home of many living things. The Amazon forest contains one fifth of all the species of birds in the world. In our forests, there may be plants and animals which could help in the discovery of new medicines of crops.
To rescue and conserve our beautiful world, we must act cooperatively. Individuals, communities, nations and international associations, all have the responsibility. By learning to protect the natural environment, we can manage the earth’s resources for generations to come.
(a) The risk referred to in the passage is of what origin?
(b) From the passage, it can be deduced that the inhabitants of developing countries ______
(c) According to the passage, the size of forest depleted ______ annually.
(d) The writer holds the richer countries responsible for industrial pollution because of their what?
(e) The message of the writer of the passage is the need for what?
[30 marks] You are advised to spend about 40 minutes on this section.
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.
Waec English Objective Questions:
PAPER 1 (Objectives)
In each of the following sentences, there is one underlined word and one gap. From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word and that will, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in the sentence.
1. Most African countries face poverty while few enjoy _______
A. influence
B. money
C. affluence
D. power.
2. Last year our farmers cultivated more crops than they _______
A. destroyed
B. uprooted
C. harvested
D. yielded.
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that best completes each of the following sentences.
11. There would have been a riot in our school but for the timely _____ of our staff.
A. intervention
B. interruption
C. interference
D. invasion.
12. The armed robbers ______ every room in the bank to look for money.
A. explored
B. ransacked
C. raked
D. swept.
13. The discontented men _______ up trouble among the workers.
A. Starred
B. Steered
C. Stirred
D. Started.
After each of the following sentences, a list of possible interpretations is given. Choose the interpretation that you consider most appropriate for each sentence.
21. Ade is too clever by half. This means that Ade is
A. far cleverer than others
B. actually very stupid in his behaviour
C. annoyingly clever
D. behaving to be clever but is not.
22. Ameh is really being economical with the truth. This means that Ameh
A. is being praised for being honest
B. does not know enough
C. knows more than he is prepared to say
D. is not telling the truth.
From the words lettered A to D below each of the following sentences, chose the word or group of words that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word as it is used in the sentence.
31. By failing to attend the interview, Idoko has lost a golden opportunity.
A. blessed
B. bright
C. good
D. delightful.
32. I hope the principal would be gracious enough to forgive us.
A. cordial
B. polite
C. merciful
D. gentle.
33. The man’s story gave us an inkling of what we went through during the war.
A. a taste
B. a possible idea
C. a wrong notion
D. a suggestion.
34. Our aunt has expressed deep appreciation for Onyinye’s invaluable assistance during the party.
A. Immeasurable
B. Praiseworthy
C. Selfless
D. Worthless.
35. Many world leaders have continued to condemn the south African Prime Minister for his truculent posture.
A. Impetuous
B. Impertinent
C. Aggressive
D. Impervious.
36. It is usually hard to change the course of action when one crosses the Rubicon. The underlined expression as used in this sentence means to.
A. Pass through a place called Rubicon
B. Cross a river called Rubicon
C. Cross a bridge called Rubicon
D. Be irrevocably committed.
From the words or group of words lettered A to D, choose the word or group of words that best completes each of the following sentences.
41. A good citizen abides _______ the rules of the land.
A. with
B. in
C. at
D. by
42. Since his swearing in, the governor _______ his hometown.
A. had not been visiting
B. has not visited
C. did not visit
D. had not visited.
Waec English 2025 Oral:
PAPER 3 (Test of Oral)
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the letters underlined.
1. look
A. glue
B. you
C. cup
D. curious.
2. wit
A. fright
B. wheat
C. tree
D. market.
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same consonant sound(s) as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined.
4. plucked
A. smiled
B. slammed
C. luck
D. table.
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that rhymes with the given word.
6. carrier
A. area
B. barrier
C. serious
D. ravine.
7. drought
A. crowd
B. nought
C. shout
D. taught.
In each of the following questions, the main /primary stress is indicated by writing the syllable on which it occurs in capital letters. From the words lettered A to D, choose the one that has the correct stress.
9. acrimony
A. A-cri-mo-ny
B. a-CRI-mo-ny
C. a-cri-MO-ny
D. a-cri-mo-NY.
10. Information
A. inforMAtion
B. INformation
C. inFORmation
D. InformaTION.
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