Sir please has uniben started selling their post Utme forms? This question has been asked over and over again by thousands of uniben aspirants.
This article will give you all the information you should know about the forth coming university of Benin post UTME screening exercise schedule to take place any moment from now.
Please note that the university of Benin popularly known as UNIBEN don’t consider those who choose the institution as their second choice, in fact you have to chose the institution as your first choice before getting their post Utme forms.
Uniben post utme screening form 2025/2026
The University of Benin – also known as UNIBEN – is one of Nigeria’s first generation federal universities.
The University of Benin was founded in 1970. It started as an Institute of Technology and was accorded the status of a full-fledged University by National Universities Commission (NUC) on 1 July 1971. In his Budget Speech in April 1972, the then Military Governor of Mid-Western State, Col. S. O. Ogbemudia(then also Visitor to the University) formally announced the change of the name of the Institute of Technology to the University of Benin.
For those who are in doubt if UNIBEN will ever take their post UTME screening exercise should have it in mind that there will be post UTME exams this year. The screening exams will be used as a yardstick to handpick the best candidates who are academic brilliant,
Uniben post utme admission /screening requirements
All university of Benin prospective candidates who want to pursue a degree program in the institution must have at least 5 credit pass in either WAEC, NECO, GCE or NABTEB exams. Have it in mind that uniben will not accept more than two sittings
Candidates, who will not be sixteen (16) years of age by 31st October, are not eligible and need not apply.
- Candidates who applied for admission into the University as first choice in the 2025 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examinations (UTME).
- Scored a minimum of 200 marks in the UTME for all courses.
- Obtained at least five (5) credit passes at GCE O/L, SSCE, NECO, or their equivalent. The subjects must include English Language, and Mathematics (for courses for which a credit in mathematics is required) as well as three other relevant subjects at not more than two sittings, except for the MB.BS degree for which only one sitting is required.
Uniben post utme cut off mark
Those who where able to get a jamb score of 180 are eligible to participate in the post UTME screening exercise. Like we have said earlier you also need to chose the institution as your first choice.
The management of the institution has made it clear that only those who have a jamb score of 180 and also chose the university of Benin as their first chose will be invited to come for the form
Uniben departmental cut off mark for
Departmental cut off mark is an agreed score each candidate are expected to meet before they will be considered for admission by UNIBEN. while general post Utme score stands at 180 the departmental cut off mark varies click here to see Uniben departmental cut off mark
Uniben post utme screening date
Though the university of Benin post UTME screening Date is not yet out, it remains our responsibility to inform you once it is out. Bookmark this page or subscribe to our channels at the end of this article, once it’s out we will inform you immediately
How much is uniben post utme screening form
The university of Benin post UTME screening form remains 2000 only however you will be asked to buy a post UTME questions at a cost of 1,500 please note that this is optional only those who will need it will have to pay for it, if you don’t need it or if you have it before there is no need to pay the 1500.
Finally all payments can be made online via remitta payment channels or via any commercial banks in Nigeria after a Remitta code has been obtain from UNIBEN portal
How to apply to uniben post utme screening excise for academic session?
- Now let’s give you a step by step guide or tutorial on how to apply for UNIBEN post UTME screening exercise.
- Make sure you are connected to the internet and log onto
- Once the portal loads you are expected to click on student portal
- Now carefully look for WAEUP Portal and click on it
- At the top left of your screen you will see Application click on it
- You are to chose this year’s academic session which is 2025/2026 admission screening application
- When the page loads click register for application
- Now a space will be provided where you are expected to enter your surname and jamb registration number (at this point a password and an ID will be given to you)
- Now that you have gotten this details login to
- Carefully look at the top right of your screen and click on login
- You should input the username and password you where assigned to recently.
- Once you login This is where the main application is done; click on ‘Application record’,
- You should fill in all your details correctly, don’t rush it take it easy.
- After you must filled all your details, now click on “Add online payment ticket” this is where payment is made.
- Please note that all payments are to be done via Remitta so click on “Pay Via Remita”
- Chose your payment method either online with your ATM card or via bank.
- Make sure you print out your acknowledgement slip immediately after you click on submit.
Alert: If you are filling the form in a business center make sure you are present before they submit it. Your work is to cross check the details before final submission.
On the day of your exams come along with your jamb registration slip that has your score on it and also come along with the acknowledgement slip we asked you to print out.
Never you step into the hall with your phones and other prohibited items during your exam date. Finally don’t come with your parents if they are around let them hang outside the school premises then after the exam you can go with them.
Please adhere to all institutions. We wish you Good luck and success
Things To know Before Participating in UNIBEN Post UTME Screening Exercise
The University of Benin, A federal university that is well respected will be taking her post UTME screening exercise in no distance time but before the exam’s date finally comes there are certain things you must know, please give us few minutes of your time to allow us list them out..
Give your self enough and adequate time for study:
immediately you see your JAMB score and you got up to the cut off mark of the University of Benin. The next thing to do is to get your self together and understand that you don’t have enough time at your disposal.
It is now time to study very hard and you can’t study very hard with out setting aside enough time for studies.
For most aspirant is all about the last minute reading, if you are this kind of student that will like to leave everything for the last minute trust me scaling through will become too slim.
You have to understand that your future depends largely on this exam (UNIBEN post UTME) . You have to decide that if it is not now it is never. never you procrastinate your success.
Understand that reading for JAMB alone can’t see you through post UTME :
Most people just get relaxed like ” what I studied in JAMB is still fresh in my head” the syllabus of JAMB is different from what most universities like UNIBEN operate on although it is similar but something advanced a little.
Post UTME is meant to test your level of knowledge based on your five subjects as demanded by the institution although you only wrote just 4 subjects in JAMB.
Please note that UNIBEN will try to ask you some questions a little way beyond what you have come across or used to.
Please read to understand don’t cram, understand why that theory was propounded and how it can relate to real life experience. Always be familiar with your formula as this remain your only tool that will help you not to drift away.
Lay your hands on good questions paper:
questions paper works wonders in every exams first it helps to keep your head straight and also it is a pointer to what you should expect even if that same question didn’t come out at the end of the day.
If you want to get the format on how and how UNIBEN formulate their post UTME questions then you must do everything within your power to get questions then practice it very well.
Explain all you have read to others:
We are sure you have friends taking same post UTME exams alongside with you. If possible you should try form a class with them, explain what you understand with them. We believe by this your brain will get familiarize with all you have studied previously.
Don’t study your books on empty stomach:
there are some students and aspirant who have the habit of soaking garri always hahahahahaha it happens.
As a student you need fresh food which will supply good nutrients to your brain. Foods like fruit and vegetables that are packed with nutrients and vitamins capable in improving your concentration and memory.
Go through the rules and regulation that guides UNIBEN post UTME screening exercise :
Every university have rules and regulation that guides how their post UTME exams are conducted and UNIBEN is no exception to that.
Take for an example handsets are not allowed during the screening process, the same thing goes with hand bags and expo. Don’t bring any material that has been listed as an unwanted material into the hall.
Lastly dress decently because UNIBEN don’t condole indecent dressing. For the guys if you have tattoos on your body please wear covering that will cover them, dress like a student.
Good luck.
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Sources :Wikipedia,