2025/2026 WAEC EXPO ON ENGLISH THEORY & OBJ |question & Answers 2025-2026/2026
2025/2026 WAEC EXPO ON ENGLISH THEORY & OBJ |question & Answers 2025-2026/2026,2025/2026 WAEC EXPO ON ENGLISH THEORY & OBJ |question & Answers 2025-2026/2026,2025/2026 WAEC EXPO ON ENGLISH THEORY & OBJ |question & Answers 2025-2026/20262025 WAEC EXPO ON ENGLISH THEORY & OBJ Answers 2025-2026/2026Are you searching for WAEC English questions that will be useful for the
2025/2026 WAEC EXPO ON ENGLISH THEORY & OBJ |question & Answers 2025-2026/2026
2025/2026 WAEC EXPO ON ENGLISH THEORY & OBJ |question & Answers 2025-2026/2026,2025/2026 WAEC EXPO ON ENGLISH THEORY & OBJ |question & Answers 2025-2026/2026,2025/2026 WAEC EXPO ON ENGLISH THEORY & OBJ |question & Answers 2025-2026/2026
2025 WAEC EXPO ON ENGLISH THEORY & OBJ Answers 2025-2026/2026
Are you searching for WAEC English questions that will be useful for the 2025/2026 WAEC exams if yes then you are in the right post.
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Waec 2025/2026 Examination Instructions (expo runs)
The 2025/2026 questions and answers loading………. A day before the exams…
Disclaimer: Don’t pay anyone money for anything that has to with expo… Be warned. Don’t send any money via bank account or recharge card to anyone claiming they are from US. we don’t do that. This post is for educational purpose only and nothing more.
Waec 2025/2026 expo runs, Runz English Language 1 & 2 Questions And Answers
In this article we shall teach you how to easily answer WAEC English questions with speed of light.
The use of English Language remains an important subject in WAEC, failing it means repeating or writing WAEC again next year But God forbid. That is why you must strive and try your very possible best to listen to all expo we are Going to put down here
- Waec 2025/2026 English Language Objective Questions
- 2025/2026 Waec English Language Essay Questions And Answers.
- Instructions To Pass 2025/2026 Examination.
Before answering any WAEC questions you must first try to go through the instruction identify those questions which are compulsory and those which are optional.
- Only open your questions paper when told to start writing
- In the OBJ section you are expected to make use of HB pencil
- When you get to the theory section you can use a pen
- Don’t forget to go in with your best scientific calculator for other subjects, you don’t need that for English language.
- Make sure that your writting is clear and also bold.
- Never you allow any invigilator see you with expo, Runz or runs.
Scheme of 2025/2026 WAEC English language exams
This is how the 2025/2026 WAEC English paper will run. First we want you to know that there will be nothing new in the forth coming 2025/2026 WAEC exams in fact it will follow previous exams pattern. The English paper will be divided into 3 paper, that is we will have paper 1,paper 2 and paper 3.
Paper 1: in paper one you will be given about 80 questions which will be objective throughout and you are expected to answer these questions in less than 1 hour only. Marks =40
Paper 2: you will be give an essay, here WAEC will test your ability to understand a simple page.
You will be given less than 2 hours to answer the questions. Marks=100
Part 3: here you will be given test of oral
Time given will be less than 4 5 minutes and a total of 30 marks
Please click here to see how WAEC English paper is (only expo you need that works)
What are the questions that WAEC will set in theory & essay 2025/2026 WAEC?
Those asking this burning question about what WAEC Expo will set in English language will be given a straight answer today.
The following questions am going to list below are types of questions you should expect, go through them and study them carefully.
Letter writing
letter writing is a common question in WAEC Essay section. Waec may ask you to write a letter to your father, uncles or even your distance relation telling him that you need to pay your school fees if it’s to your father or coming for an holiday if it’s to your uncle.
So get prepared in letter writing. Now what is the best WAEC format to write a letter? hope you know that WAEC has a format they requireed?
Since you are writing the letter to your relatives or those you know very well, the format you should adopt should be informal letter writing format.
Element of a an informal letter
- Address
- Date
- Opening
- Body
- Closing
- Signature
Address : in this section what comes first is your personal address which you must place at your top-right-hand. You might start with the your house number, let’s say No 44 ojimba avenue or you might use your school address let’s assume you are writing from your school.
Address Format
[-your house address and your street name
-The name of your town and the postal code
-No 44, ojimba Street
-Enugu, 60016
-Enugu state
Then what comes next is your date, there are different format but adhere only to the British style when writing your letter.
So your date comes first before the month and year.
22 November 2011 or 21/2/2025
Opening : you don’t need to follow any strict rules to write the opening sentence Eg
- How have you been?
- How are you kid?
- I hope you are doing great?
Body: this is the main aspect where you let the person know why you write them and finally don’t forget to make some including remake.
Closing : just write a brief summary of what you have written so far.
I can’t wait to meet you.
Extend my greetings to aunt.
Signature : at the end make sure you include your name E.g
best regards.
You can see how simple it is, everyone can do this without depending on anyone,just be confident, ok.
Another question WAEC will bring demand from you is to Write an article for publication in a National newspaper on why you think a woman should be your country’s next president.
I know you will like me to teach you how to write a publication right?
Dont fail to comment below if you will need a sample of a publication.
How to answer 2025/2026 English Language summary (waec expo)
Before attempting to answer WAEC English summary passage questions, first try as much as you can to read and understand what the passage is all about
- Read the passage over and over again like 3 times.
- Identify the point in the passage which might be presented in a direct form or an indirect form.
Things to look out in English language passage questions are:
- -the main points
- -the illustrations
- -details
- -digressions
Hope this article is helpful? Please remember it’s only for educational purposes and not necessarily the 2025/2026 WAEC English language real question.
You have to understand that WAEC board don’t allow and it’s a crime to engage in malpractice of any form this is the reason we advise candidates to go through questions and other resource which will be very helpful to them.
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