Scored A Low Jamb Score 2025/2026 ? Steps on How To Gain Admission With A Low Jamb Score
Scored A Low Jamb Score 2025/2026 ? Steps on How To Gain Admission With A Low Jamb Score,Scored A Low Jamb Score 2025/2026 ? Steps on How To Gain Admission With A Low Jamb Score,Scored A Low Jamb Score 2025/2026 ? Steps on How To Gain Admission With A Low Jamb ScoreScored A Low Jamb
Scored A Low Jamb Score 2025/2026 ? Steps on How To Gain Admission With A Low Jamb Score
Scored A Low Jamb Score 2025/2026 ? Steps on How To Gain Admission With A Low Jamb Score,Scored A Low Jamb Score 2025/2026 ? Steps on How To Gain Admission With A Low Jamb Score,Scored A Low Jamb Score 2025/2026 ? Steps on How To Gain Admission With A Low Jamb Score
Scored A Low Jamb Score 2025/2026 ? Steps on How To Gain Admission With A Low Jamb Score
Did you score low in the just concluded 2025/2026 jamb exams and you are looking for a way out? If yes then this post is for you.
Score 150,140,160, 170 in jamb and you are searching for a university or polytechnic that will accept that low score? Don’t worry we will tell you things that you need to do so as to escape and secure your admission Continue reading
I have heard jamb candidates complain about how they got low score and this made them to lose hope in pursing their admission.
Immediately after jamb exams what comes up next is for jamb to start releasing candidates results in batches.
See when jamb will start giving admission
At this point most candidates will discover that they didn’t perform well and might lose hope let me tell you all hope is not lost even if you score 150 or 140 there is still hope
How You can Gain Admission With a Low Jamb Score?
- Step 1 : if you applied for competitive course in jamb and you discover that your score is low, your ability to act fast will determine your admission.
First try to know the school departmental cut off marks and also the general cut off mark
Since most of the competitive course like law, medicine and surgery, at times mass communication requires high cut off mark the best thing for you to do is to apply for jamb change of course form immediately.
Once you get your change of course form please apply for those courses that requires low cut of mark. Courses in education, religion etc , and those courses people don’t like applying for as this will give you a greater chance to sit for the post utme and also be admitted.
- Step 2: there are some Universities that are too competitive to for you to try your luck with your low jamb score like most of the Federal Universities falls into this category.
In this case apply for a state university that is unpopular this will Boast your chance a little
Final thought
If you score 140 to 170 know that your chances are slim to gain admission into most Nigerian universities, but there are institutions that accept low jamb score.
Not everyone will love to apply for a polytechnic but in this case your choices are slim, I will advise you to get a change of course and institution form then change to a polytechnic.
To further increase your chances you might still consider college of education as most of them accept very low score like 100 to 120. You can’t just afford to sit at home for more extra one year as time is ticking.
If you still have any question to ask then feel free to drop your question using the comment box
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Also look for updated jamb syllabus and read along with your text books.
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