10 Best Courses to Study in Nigerian Universities
10 Best Courses to Study in Nigerian Universities,10 Best Courses to Study in Nigerian Universities,10 Best Courses to Study in Nigerian UniversitiesADS! Download JAMB CBT Software Now for FREE!– 10 Best Courses to Study in Nigerian Universities –You won’t dispute the fact that Nigeria is also an educational country, one of the best in the
10 Best Courses to Study in Nigerian Universities
10 Best Courses to Study in Nigerian Universities,10 Best Courses to Study in Nigerian Universities,10 Best Courses to Study in Nigerian Universities
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– 10 Best Courses to Study in Nigerian Universities –
You won’t dispute the fact that Nigeria is also an educational country, one of the best in the globe. Though there are lots of courses to study in Nigerian universities, yet, some courses stand out clearly in the limelight of excellence, Courses that save you from an increasing menace of unemployment in the country. Here are 10 Best Courses to Study in Nigerian Universities.
10 Best Courses to Study in Nigerian Universities
Scattered over, it may be difficult to know which but these courses I’m about to list out are hot courses that are not only professional accepted in Nigeria but by the world in general.
It may be hard but once you graduate, you will always be grateful you went for the course. I’m going to list them in order of their importance and how much value is placed on them.
1. MEDICINE AND SURGERY: This is the selling course in Nigeria and the all over the globe. Study this course and you can’t come out and be unemployed.
Medical doctors and Surgeons are the most sought out professionals in the world of sciences. Why is that? This is because it revolves around life, the body, in fact HEALTH.
Not only is it important because of life, but when you have your health, you can do anything, plus, everybody needs medical attention ranging from children, teenagers, adult, the elderly and even our leaders need medical care, this is why doctors or any professional medical practitioner is very much important to the society.
2. ESTATE MANAGEMENT: I know you may not place much value on this course, but if it isn’t important, why do you need an agent when searching for an apartment?
Housing is the second primary need of every individual on earth, so you see; everyone needs shelter, which is why this course sells a lot.
As at the time of this article, there’s this man I know whenever people need apartments they call him and he makes lots of money from this because people call him every day enquiring of apartments/ estate to rent.
3. ACCOUNTING: This course has always been on the top list and always will be. You’ll be surprised to find someone who studied Engineering wish to venture into Accounting.
This course ranks a lot and there are always opportunities for employment to graduates who studied Accounting in their various learning institutions.
Accountants are usually sought for in any organization where money is involved and tell me which organization is money not involved.
I’m not trying to persuade you but I just want you to understand why this course is one of the hottest courses in Nigeria.
4. CHEMICAL/PETROLEUM ENGINEERING: American companies, offshore companies are always in search of Petroleum Engineering and as such, employment opportunities are always scattered everywhere for applicants who studied this course in school.
Hope you know understand why almost all your friends wish to study Chemical engineering. Don’t get it twisted; many go for the course because they have passion for it while others go for it because of its employment benefit.
5. THEATRE ARTS: Most people see this course as an unserious one but I daresay, try the Universities of Lagos, Port Harcourt and Calabar, and you will crave for this course.
This is one of the courses that have produced notable thespians in the world and some people who didn’t even study this course will somehow wish they did.
Their performance alone, the glamour and their fame will provoke your interest for the course.
6. PHARMACY: Have you ever seen a Pharmacist jobless? Has funny as it may sound but it’s the truth.
Even if they can’t get employed in hospitals and organizations, they can always establish themselves from the knowledge they got in schools and the government will always approve their establishment because they have the right qualifications.
7. COMPUTER/IT ENGINEERING: This ones are the computer gurus and now that the world has gone computerized, na em bi d hot cakes!
Computer Engineers are needed in all computer operating companies and as such, you can’t have studied IT Engineering and are unemployed except you weren’t serious while at school.
8. NURSING/LABORATORY SCIENCE: I know you think this course should have been on the second or third number, it’s true.
Nursing is an extremely juicy course to study in any Nigerian University, study this course and you are respected everywhere you go.
You step your feet here and hear people go by “mma nurse” seriously at that time you’ll discover you are very valuable to society and with this course, you can work anywhere where patients are concerned or where health is mentioned.
9. MARKETING: Another reputable course that sells a lot, here you can work in any manufacturing companies and organizations devising strategies to which products can be sold to the expected buyer, set goals, address the audience and all that and you get paid for what you do.
10. MASS COMMUNICATION/JOURNALISM: Yea, we’ve gotten to this very course. A very juicy course for ladies and gentlemen as well.
If you’ve got swags, you can always go for journalism or Communications Art. This course offers employment opportunities for applicants annually.
It’s a very interesting course if you go for with lots of benefits like you get to travel, if you are the type that is curious and eager to learn, you learn a lot. It’s fun trust me.
These are the best courses amongst best that you can study and at the end of the day, you are pleased with yourself you did. All you need is to have passion for any choice of course you apply for and you’ll be smiling at the end.
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