15 Good Reasons Why Students Carry Over Courses in Higher Institution | Updated
15 Good Reasons Why Students Carry Over Courses in Higher Institution | Updated,15 Good Reasons Why Students Carry Over Courses in Higher Institution | Updated,15 Good Reasons Why Students Carry Over Courses in Higher Institution | UpdatedADS! Download JAMB CBT Software Now for FREE!– Good Reasons Why Students Carry Over Courses-Some carryovers are inevitable, however,
15 Good Reasons Why Students Carry Over Courses in Higher Institution | Updated
15 Good Reasons Why Students Carry Over Courses in Higher Institution | Updated,15 Good Reasons Why Students Carry Over Courses in Higher Institution | Updated,15 Good Reasons Why Students Carry Over Courses in Higher Institution | Updated
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– Good Reasons Why Students Carry Over Courses-
Some carryovers are inevitable, however, no student just wakes up to a carry over in school. Sometimes it culminates from overlooking or being carefree about certain things that ought to be taken seriously or into consideration, this article will list good reasons why students carry over courses in higher institutions.
Carry Over, a Tempoary Dream Killer
All Michael wanted was to graduate with a good result and become a lecture after studying English. But the many carryovers made that dream to die slowly.
Things are falling apart and he doesn’t know what to do. It seems surprising because Michael was a promising student in secondary school and was even the school’s senior prefect before he got admission. What happened?
Michael’s story seems familiar, right? With a few change of words here and there, Michael’s story might be that of any student in a higher institution. What happened?
Even when the affected students are intelligent students who, with just five minutes of holding a discussion with them, you would admit are very smart and sound.
Why do a lot of students in higher institutions battle with carry over courses which after their grades and delay their graduation?
In this topic as explicitly as possible I would be stating the top 15 reasons why students carry over courses in the university, polytechnic, college of education or any higher institution.
Top 15 Reasons Why Students Carry Over Courses.
There are a number of reasons why student carry over courses in school, below is a list of 15 of them.
1. Lack of Determination
A lot of students are only in school because their mates are or because their parents want them there. Others just roam around the school with no determination, with no idea of what they are about, this is what causes carelessness and lack of will power to study and pass exams.
2. Not Attending Lecturers
Most schools make attending lectures compulsory and your name on the attendance must be of a certain percentage for you to qualify for writing the examination in that course.
Exempting yourself from attending the lectures must be for reasons for which the department is fully aware of. Attendance is awarded a certain mark which you would miss by not attending the lectures.
Many students think a particular course is not difficult so they can get away with avoiding it. Also, since lecturers are the ones who set the questions, the focus areas would be reviewed in class and your absence would mean you wouldn’t be aware.
3. Not Connecting with Colleagues Who are Studious
Associating with students and colleagues who are studious would rub off on you in a positive way and would urge you on to take your academics seriously.
There is a saying that if you hangout with three rich people, you might be the fourth rich person, people you hang around in school has a way of affecting your academics .
4. Not Asking for Help
There’s nothing wrong to ask for help on subject areas you do not fully grasp. For some reason, that subject area might not be your strong point but, still, you have to ask for help to understand it better from your colleagues and lecturers.
If you connect already with the studious students, it would make it easier to ask for their help to further understand the subject areas of courses you do not fully grasp.
5. Not Writing and Carrying out Practicals or Research Extensively
You more extensively you write and clarify on your answers, the more likelihood there is of being awarded more marks. Except otherwise stated, you should always write extensively to answers questions in examinations. Also, carry out research extensively for seminars and projects.
6. Not Filling Logbooks and Answer Booklets Properly
Many students seem to skip the fact that marks are always awarded for all curricular activities and they should take all of such school work seriously. Make the right calculations where necessary, write legibly and fill in all the right details.
Care should be taken to ensure they are properly submitted and not missing. Cases of missing logbooks and answer booklets after they are submitted should be taken serious and the department notified until it is rectified. Be carefree about it would mean you losing marks and ,worse still, being recorded as absent for the examinations or test.
7. Not Preparing Properly for Assignments, Test and Examinations
Prepare properly for examinations and tests. Read thoroughly and extensively before any examination or test.
A lot of students wait till exams week before they read, while this works for some people, it doesnt for others.
You have to prepare well before every exams or tests.
8. Not Verifying Their Poor Test, Assignment or Examination Scores
Ensure you verify whether or not your score is correct or not. You know how well or badly you did in an examination or test so when the scores are released and they do not match your expected score range, make sure you contact the course lecturer to verify there isn’t a mistake.
If you keep ignoring this, it would tell on your eventual score and you might score below the pass mark which would mean you having to carry over the course.
9. Being Too Fearful and Succumbing to Panic Attacks
Exam fever is real and it is natural, however, never let it get the better of you. Sleep properly before examinations. Avoid situation which would affect you psychologically and eat properly before examinations. Read properly to get confidence of knowing the subject matter.
10. Not Following Examinations Instructions
A lot of students let anxiety and over confidence get them into trouble, some do need take time to read instructions before attempting questions, others, in the bid to impress their lecturers answer more than they are asked, things like this leads to failure and carry over. Fill in your personal details correctly as required. Use the right materials.
11. Involving Themselves in Examination Malpractices
The least penalty for being caught engaging in examination malpractices in most schools is failing the course. Not getting rusticated would mean you are lucky as that is the end penalty of most examination malpractices.
12. Not Managing Their Time Properly During Examinations
While it is wise to attempt all questions, start with the questions which are easiest to tackle and the questions which carry more marks.
Not managing your time properly would mean you finishing late and not properly dedicating time to each question which might also lead to you failing the course.
13. Ensure Your Examination Booklet or Page is Properly Submitted
Some students always rush to submit their booklets without properly cross checking if they are completed or are arranged as instructed. Avoid making these mistakes as they could cause you to fail and have a carry over.
14. Check Bulletin Board for Callback Request
Do not just run home after examinations, always be on the lookout for information on the notice boards, a kind lecturer might request to see you concerning a mistake you made.
15. Not Being Punctual
Punctuality is important for any examination. Arriving the examination hall 15 or 20 minutes ahead of time helps you get settled in quickly and puts you in a relaxed mode.
There are so many reasons why students carry over courses and it is important to k now these reasons and work towards correcting them.
Other reasons might include poor health and it is important that you always keep in touch with the departmental resource personal on issues you can’t fully handle so they are kept in the loop and can render assistant where necessary to aid you not carry over courses.
With these tips, it is my hope that you would tackle these reasons and go on to have a successful academic year.
CSN Team.
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