Apply for University of Salford Business School in 2025 Update
Apply for University of Salford Business School in 2025 Update,Apply for University of Salford Business School in 2025 Update,Apply for University of Salford Business School in 2025 UpdateADS! Download JAMB CBT Software Now for FREE!– University of Salford Business School –University of Salford Business School is established with a clear vision to excel in teaching,
Apply for University of Salford Business School in 2025 Update
Apply for University of Salford Business School in 2025 Update,Apply for University of Salford Business School in 2025 Update,Apply for University of Salford Business School in 2025 Update
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– University of Salford Business School –
University of Salford Business School is established with a clear vision to excel in teaching, research, innovation and engagement. It has an excellent reputation for its courses, teaching and the progression of students into responsible positions across a variety of industries.
About Salford Business School
All of the courses at Salford Business School are delivered with the future employability of our students in mind.
We work closely with business leaders to develop our curriculum, ensuring that our graduates possess the skills that employers want.
In addition, our highly contemporary curriculum and range of professional development opportunities provide a mix of academic and hands-on development.
Industry accreditation is an important distinction of quality that employers look for. The Salford MBA is accredited by the Association of MBAs – an internationally recognized kite-mark representing the value of our programme.
We believe that hands-on work experience is an integral aspect of the learning process. That’s why we continually engage with industry to forge partnerships that offer a range of pathways into the workplace.
Our students consistently perform well in their studies, with many finding graduate-level employment or progressing onto further study within six months of completing their studies.
Our vision
The University of Salford is committed to excellent research with impact. This is emphasized throughout the University’s 2014-2025 Strategic Plan.
Research and Enterprise is one of the four underpinning strategies of the University’s Strategic Plan.
The aim of the University’s Research and Enterprise is to develop, support and promote excellence with impact.
Salford has a rich heritage and international reputation for working closely with both industry and the public sector in enterprise and research.
Research at Salford brings a range of benefits to learning and teaching, informs our community engagement activities, and incorporates lively national and international partnerships.
By building on our reputation and capitalizing on our experience we will deliver a solution-driven culture that will increase both social and economic impact whilst enhancing the student and staff experience.
Our research will be organized through a strategic number of Research Centers, aligned to Schools. The Research Centers were launched in April 2015.
In the context of current economic conditions and the move by the Government towards more selectivity in research, it is essential that our income is diversified.
Our Research and Enterprise Strategy will ensure that our income is maximized through commercialization and close working relationships with industries, businesses and organizations in both the public and private sectors.
Our revised strategy will also establish the capacity, capabilities, disciplines and ways of working that will deliver outputs and impact that are of international significance, ensuring strong REF outcomes that build on our strengths.
Teaching and research expertise falls within the areas of:
➛ International Finance, Accounting & Economics
➛ International Strategic & People Management
➛ International Marketing & Services Management
➛ International Operations & Information Management
The Students’ Union clubs and societies include a Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) group which works closely with the school delivering events including business games for local schools and colleges.
Below are the programmes at Salford Business School.
Undergraduate programmes
The School offers 18 honours degrees including Business and Management Studies, Finance and Accounting, Business Information Technology and Leisure, Hospitality and Tourism Studies. All of these are full-time courses.
The honours degrees courses last three years with an option for students on all courses to take a placement year between the second and final year of academic work.
The School also delivers a one-year full-time honours degree intended for students who have completed their studies to the equivalent level of a Diploma of Higher Education and a full-time Graduate Certificate for students who do not have the required academic or language standards required by the School’s master’s degrees.
There are also two part-time programmes (Certificate of Higher Education and Graduate Certificate) intended for individuals who have work experience but no formal higher education qualifications.
Postgraduate programmes
Most master’s degrees have intermediate awards and students can choose to complete a Postgraduate Certificate (PgCert) or Postgraduate Diploma (PgDip).
Areas of specialism currently available include International Business, Information Systems, Tourism Management, Human Resource Management and Marketing.
All full-time masters courses last for one year or longer if the optional professional placement is selected.
Since September 2012 students enrolling on all of the master’s programmes have had the option to do a Business Innovation Project which could include :
➛ Six Month Work Placement: work-based learning in a suitable organisation
➛ Assessed Internship: a one-to-three month monitored work or service/volunteer experience
➛ Live Project: work as part of a team on a live project
➛ Dissertation: a conventional dissertation of 12,000 to 15,000 words.
The Salford MBA
In September 2009 the Salford MBA gained accreditation from the Association of MBAs (AMBA).
There is a consultancy component within the taught programme where students work with an external organisation to assist in solving a specific organisational issue. The MBA lectures are based at MediaCityUK.
Notable Alumni and Former Staff
Salford Business School Alumni group on LinkedIn
➛ Colin Cramphorn, former Chief Constable, West Yorkshire Police
➛ Rob James-Collier, Actor
➛ Professor Heinz Klein, Invited Chair and a pioneer in the philosophical foundations of the field of Information Systems
➛ Tony Lloyd, MP, Manchester Central
➛ Hashem Pesaran, Professor of Economics and Fellow of Trinity College, University of Cambridge
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