JAMB Admission Letter 2025 How to Check & Print Admission Letter
ADS! Download JAMB CBT Software Now for FREE!Have you been offered admission? Congratulations! All the candidates offered admission can now print their JAMB admission letter on the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) portal. See guidelines on how to check and print the 2025 JAMB admission letter for your school of choice here.About JAMB Admission
JAMB Admission Letter 2025 How to Check & Print Admission Letter
ADS! Download JAMB CBT Software Now for FREE!
Have you been offered admission? Congratulations! All the candidates offered admission can now print their JAMB admission letter on the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) portal. See guidelines on how to check and print the 2025 JAMB admission letter for your school of choice here.
About JAMB Admission Letter
The JAMB admission letter is a document that legally certifies that you’ve been able to fulfil the requirements, thus, have been offered provisional admission into any tertiary institution in Nigeria to attain any degree program of your choice.
This document is an assurance of your admission into the institution of your choice and without it; you cannot authentically prove your status as a fresher which you so dream of being.
JAMB remains the only educational board/admission body that has the license to grant this document. This document proves that you’ve genuinely been offered admission and are a bonafide student of any institution you attend.
The information contained in the letter will include; the institution you’ve been offered admission to (university/polytechnic/college, etc.), the faculty/department/degree you’ll be pursuing, and the duration of the study.
Importance of the Admission Letter
You know most freshmen joke with this document the same way they joke about it with their Library permit.
However, Little do they know that the little white paper dotted white they’ve just printed out can be an answer to a lot more than they can imagine.
The jamb admission letter is very important as it will be needed when you;
- Need to complete your admission registration procedure/clearance
- Wish to apply for a scholarship
- Need to be approved for your National Youth Service program (NYSC)
- Intend to further your study abroad or at home.
Having learned of its relevance, it is highly recommendable that you lay hands on this document once your admission status has been confirmed and keep it in a safe place.
How to Check JAMB Admission Status
1. You will need to login into the JAMB portal. If you don’t have a free account, you can “Create an Account” using the same link provided above.
2. Once you have logged in, click the e-facility menu.
3. Select the Examination Year and enter your JAMB registration number.
4. Click “Check Admission Status” to reveal your status.
5. If you have been given admission, then follow the instructions below. If you don’t have Admission Yet, You will need to check later because JAMB usually updates admission status from time to time.
After checking your admission status, the next step is to print your admission letter and the steps are listed below;
How to Print Your JAMB Admission Letter
The service fee is One Thousand Naira Only (N1,000).
You shall be required to create a profile via the Sign Up (New User) Page if you are a new user.
To create your profile, you will provide your valid email address, surname, first name, Mobile No, State and LGA of Origin and password, then click on the Sign-Up button. Each candidate is entitled to only one profile.
1. Go to the JAMB portal at https://portal.jamb.gov.ng/efacility/.
2. Login with your ‘Email Address’ and ‘Password’.
3. Click on the “Admission Letter” tab. This is available on the sidebar or on the Home page.
4. Once you select this service, a Transaction ID is generated for this service. This will be displayed on the confirmation page screen.
5. Review the details displayed on the Confirmation Page. Also, note the Transaction ID displayed in a bold red font. The Transaction ID is useful for all future references concerning the Transaction. A copy of this transaction ID will be sent to your registered email address.
6. Click on the Continue button if you wish to pay with your card immediately. If you wish to use other payment channels like ATM, Cash at the Bank or Quickteller, please note the transaction ID as it will be required.
7. On the Interswitch Payment page, enter your card details and click on the Pay button.
8. The status of your payment will be displayed on the “My Payment Section” An SMS and email containing your unique Transaction Identification and payment status will be sent to you after payment. Click on the Continue button.
9. Once payment is completed, you will be asked to provide the following:
- Year of Exam and
- JAMB Registration Number.
10. After entering the information correctly, you can now print the Admission letter as shown on your screen.
NOTE: Check your admission status first before you proceed to print your admission letter.
- How to Use JAMB Admission Status Checking Portal for Free.
- JAMB Registration – Guideline and Requirement
- Create JAMB Profile for Registration
- How to Prepare for JAMB 2025
- Recommended Textbook to Read for JAMB
- JAMB Full Syllabus
- Check JAMB Complete Brochure for 2025
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Answers
1. What is an admission letter?
Ans = The admission letter is a document that legally certifies that one has been offered provisional admission.
2. Who issues the JAMB admission letter?
Ans = JAMB remains the only educational board/admission body that has the license to grant this document.
3. Is the admission letter important?
Ans = Of course! The importance of the admission letter cannot be overemphasized. Go through this post to see it is so important.
4. How can I print my JAMB admission letter?
Ans = Printing of the admission letter is quite simple. Follow the steps outlined in this post to print yours today.
That’s it! So, What’s your take on this? We believe this article was helpful, if yes, don’t hesitate to share this information with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and Google plus.
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