JAMB CBT Registration New Guidelines 2025/2026 Check New Update
ADS! Download JAMB CBT Software Now for FREE!– JAMB CBT Registration New Guidelines –Jamb is making JAMB CBT Registration New Guidelines 2025 go public. Furthermore, they advise all prospective UTME candidates to carefully read the instructions below.For the sake of clarity and comprehension, they presented each important aspect of the registration process and relevant information
JAMB CBT Registration New Guidelines 2025/2026 Check New Update
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– JAMB CBT Registration New Guidelines –
Jamb is making JAMB CBT Registration New Guidelines 2025 go public. Furthermore, they advise all prospective UTME candidates to carefully read the instructions below.
For the sake of clarity and comprehension, they presented each important aspect of the registration process and relevant information as a sub-heading.
JAMB CBT Registration New Guidelines: How to Register
The use of Scratch Cards has been discontinued for the following reasons:
1. Prone to fraudulent practices,
2. Archaic.
3. Accountability (zero).
To Register JAMB Online
Click here
The following channels will be made available:
1. Web Payment: ATM issued cards (Visa, Verve and Master card)
2. Online Quick Teller
3. ATM Payment
Quick Teller Mobile Application
Bank Branch (CASH / CARD)
Options Provided for Registration
Four (4) options are available to a candidate who wishes to register:
A mobile app will be created for a candidate to download for his/her registration and payment, after which he/she goes to the Registration Centre for biometrics capturing only.
All systems at the Registration centre will be enabled for candidates who wish to go to the centre to register by themselves using the Registration Centre Systems, pay with card and then go for biometric capturing.
An operator at the Registration Centre assists the candidate with entering his/her data for registration, then goes to the bank to pay and capturing of his/her biometrics.
A bank official from a bank selected by the Registration Centre will be available to accept payment from candidates with cash. He does the registration, receives the cash and the candidate goes for capturing of biometric.
JAMB CBT Registration New Guidelines: Items Needed for Registration
Details of O’ Level result where it is available or O’ Level subjects expected in the case of those awaiting results.
Personal details of the candidate.
Choice of Institutions, Courses and town of examination the candidate has opted for.
JAMB CBT Registration New Guidelines: Correction of Data
1. Candidates will be emphatically informed to guard their registration numbers jealously as registration numbers are personal and security items to candidates.
2. Any candidate who compromises his registration number, does so at his/her own risk.
3. Any candidate who wishes to correct his/her data (e.g. age, date of birth, state of origin, s*x, name etc.) after completing his registration and submitting will have to go through the following process:
i. Payment of administration fee.
ii. Give reason for the correction online and NOT coming to the Board’s Headquarters
iii. Wait for clearance to be given before the correction can be made by the candidate online.
Registration at The Computer-Based Test Centres
All candidates who wish to do their registration at a registration centre should be assisted as follows:
i. The centre should provide systems for candidates who wish to do their registration by themselves
ii. The Computer Based Test Centre should have technical staff who will assist candidates who need help.
iii. Assist candidates who wish to complete payments with their cards.
iv. Collect not more than Seven Hundred Naira (N700) from both Candidates who do only biometric capture and those who do full registration at the Registration Centres.
v. Each Centre to choose its banker from the approved banks.
Payment to Computer-Based Test Centres of Public Institutions
Computer-Based Test Centre in public institutions should be urged to register as ventures.
This will enable them to receive payment and easily access funds to pay their workers without going through bureaucratic processes.
While the NET profit can be transferred to Treasury Single Account (TSA) where applicable.
JAMB CBT Registration New Guidelines: Provision of Brochure
1. In order to minimize errors during registration by candidates and also to ensure that candidates have ready access to the brochure needed for registration, the brochure will be provided in three (3) modes which are:
2. The brochure will be on the JAMB portal. As soon as a candidate creates his/her profile on the JAMB portal, there will be a link that will take him/her straight to the brochure.
He/she is to confirm reading the brochure for the continuation of registration.
As soon as the candidate creates his profile, an electronic copy of the brochure will be automatically sent to his/her e-mail which he/she has provided.
3. A CD of the brochure and Syllabus will be given to him/her at the biometric capturing site.
4. Candidates can also access the JAMB Brochure online.
At the point of capturing the biometrics, there must be evidence that the candidate collected the brochure CD and recommended book.
Activities of Banks at The Registration Centre
1. All Registration Centres will be given a list of accredited banks.
2. Each Registration Centre will be allowed to choose the bank it would like to work with.
3. After choosing the bank, an officer from the bank will be stationed at the centre to do:
4. Assist candidates to create their profile and paying through any of the payment options they wish to use.
5. Collect Seven Hundred Naira (N700) per candidate for either registration and/or biometric capture directly into the account of the centre.
6. The banks will be expected to open avenues of payment:
7. Payment of Application Fees
8. Payment of Seven Hundred Naira (N700) to the designated account of the Registration Centre.
9. At the end, give a receipt to each candidate for the Seven Hundred Naira (N700) payment for registration or biometric capturing at the centre.
Abuse by Approved CBT Centres and Cyber Café Operators
It has been observed by the Board, that in the past, there were lots of irregularities during the registration of candidates. Some of which are:
➢ Visit portal.jamb.gov.ng/efacility
➢ Original JAMB-UTME Result Slip Online
➢ JAMB Original Result Slip Printing
Irregularities Observed
1. Off-line registration means that candidates are given a template form to fill and enter their details and the Registration centres would later enter their data for them online at a later time when the candidates were not present.
2. Registration Centres did off-line registration for candidates and, in completing the online, mismatched their images and made mistakes in the candidates’ data.
3. Registration Centres deliberately went to the hinterland to register candidates off-line in order to create Special Centres where they could further perpetrate irregularities during examinations.
4. Punish uncompromising candidates by changing their centres and/or institutions without their knowledge/consent.
5. Swapped and replaced details of uncompromising candidates with others, and used money paid for other candidates.
JAMB CBT Registration New Guidelines: Measures Taken By the Board
1. Payment for access code by Registration Centres has been cancelled. However, they will enable all systems in the Registration Centre for the registration.
2. None of these systems therefore can be used for registration outside the Registration Centre.
3. Candidates will now have access to all the systems at the Computer Based Test (CBT) Centre for the registration exercise.
4. This is unlike before where only one system was used by the Computer Based Test (CBT) Centre for registration.
5. Candidates will be properly educated to understand that their registration numbers are private and security numbers, which they must not divulge.
6. Any candidate who discloses his/her registration number does so at his/her own risk.
7. An alert system has been created for notifications on changes in the candidate’s details at each stage of the registration process.
Accountability in Registration Centres
1. Registration Centres are urged to appoint credible staff to manage their centres to ensure credibility and accountability.
2. It has also been observed that some Public Registration Centres refused registration because of “low return”.
3. These returns are not low as claimed, but officers in charge do not remit appropriately.
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