JAMB Marking Scheme 2025 See JAMB UTME Marking & Grading System
ADS! Download JAMB CBT Software Now for FREE!JAMB Marking Scheme 2025 – Many students who participated in the 2025 JAMB UTME exam have been seeking to know how JAMB would be marked and graded. They have asked questions as it concerns how JAMB score candidates, the 2025 JAMB marking scheme and others. Continue reading.One of
JAMB Marking Scheme 2025 See JAMB UTME Marking & Grading System
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JAMB Marking Scheme 2025 – Many students who participated in the 2025 JAMB UTME exam have been seeking to know how JAMB would be marked and graded. They have asked questions as it concerns how JAMB score candidates, the 2025 JAMB marking scheme and others. Continue reading.
One of the things that confuse many students about JAMB is the marking scheme and grading system. Students now and then do ask to find out how JAMB be marked and what the latest 2025 marking scheme is.
The main purpose of this article is to answer the popular questions concerning how the 2025 JAMB examination will be marked.
It contains JAMB marking scheme, JAMB grading system, How is JAMB examination marked, how JAMB will mark, how JAMB score, how JAMB grades, and even more. Read a little about the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) below.
Brief About JAMB
By 1974, there were seven (7) Federal Universities in the country. Every one of these existing universities conducted its own concessional examination and admitted its students.
However, this system of admission revealed serious limitations and quite often, a waste of resources in the process of administering the concessional examination especially on the part of the candidates.
The general untidiness in the uncoordinated system of admissions into universities and the attendant problems were sufficient cause for concern to the committee of vice-chancellors.
However, these problems had assumed a new dimension when by 1976, the then federal military government, under the leadership of General Olusegun Obasanjo, established six (6) additional universities.
Read on
Consequently, the government set up a national committee on university entrance under the chairmanship of Mr M. S. Angulu.
The Committee was specifically requested to consider the possibility of setting up a Joint Matriculation Board. The Committee recommended the setting up of two (2) bodies, the Central Admissions Board and the Joint Matriculation Board.
The Federal military government accepted some of the recommendations of the committee and set up the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board.
However, the legal instrument establishing the Board was promulgated by the act (no. 2 of 1978) of the Federal Military Government on 13th February 1978.
By August 1988, the Federal Executive Council amended decree No. 2 of 1978 to empower the Board to conduct matriculation examinations for entry into all polytechnics and colleges of education in the country and to place suitably qualified candidates in the available places in these institutions.
The amendments have since been codified into decree No. 33 of 1989, which took effect from 7th December 1989.
JAMB Subjects and Number of Questions
Here are the list of JAMB subjects and the number of questions set for each subject.
English Language – 100 questions
Mathematics – 50 questions
Chemistry – 50 questions
Physics – 50 questions
Biology – 50 questions
Government – 50 questions
Literature in English – 50 questions
History – 50 questions
Economics – 50 questions
Geography – 50 questions
Accounting – 50 questions
Commerce – 50 questions
JAMB 2025 Marking Scheme
If you were given like 40 questions to answer in a subject and unexpectedly you got every question right, that means you have scored 100 marks in that subject.
All score you got must be multiply by 100 and still be divided by the total number of questions, hope you understand?
Total score Obtainable for the subject =40
Your score in the subject =40
Total percentage =100%
Now if you score let’s say 25, it means your 25 *100/40= 62. 5
If you scored let’s say 10, it means your 10 *100/40=25
This new system is a piece of good news to some and also bad news to some. If you happen to score a very low score, anything between 1 to 18 will drastically reduce your chances of crossing 200 in jamb total score.
Does it Apply to English language?
This grading system does not affect JAMB Use of English language as each question/section carries a different score. please take note that JAMB Use of English total questions is usually 100 which exceed other subjects by almost *2
One passage is five questions. Two passages equal 10 questions. One question carries 3 marks. 10 times 3 equals 30.
JAMB New Grading System
The new JAMB grading system was adopted to consider those candidates who performed well in their O level results. this means that institution will now take O level grade into consideration when giving admission.
Special marks of 10 are awarded to candidates who got their grades through one sitting while those with two sittings will only get 2 marks.
In the new grading system, A1 gives you 6 points while B2 gives 4 points leaving those who are struggling with Cs with just 3 points
180 | 185 | 20 |
186 | 190 | 21 |
191 | 195 | 22 |
196 | 200 | 23 |
201 | 205 | 24 |
206 | 210 | 25 |
211 | 215 | 26 |
216 | 222 | 27 |
221 | 225 | 28 |
226 | 230 | 29 |
231 | 235 | 30 |
236 | 240 | 31 |
244 | 248 | 32 |
252 | 256 | 33 |
260 | 300 | 34-43 |
300 | 400 | 44-60 |
This new system will also affect those with low WAEC and NECO Grade as this could water down your high jamb score.
Does JAMB Use Negative Marking?
There have been wide speculations about this issue which goes along to say, if a candidate did a guessing work and got a question wrong, a mark will be deducted from you. the aim of negative marking was to discourage guessing work in the hall.
Be clear that JAMB does not by any means implement Negative Marking in their scheme.
In JAMB, you’re graded with the exact score you got correctly.
JAMB UTME Subjects Combination
I have written down a comprehensive list of all jamb subjects combination for all courses but have it in mind that you must include the use of english language which is a must and also register any other 3 subjects that are relevant to your field of study.
- jamb subject combination.
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