Institution Or Course You Changed To Is Not Reflecting In Your Jamb Slip? What To Do 2025/2026
recently most JAMB candidates that where ask to do a change of course or institution by jamb and those who did it deliberately in order for them to increase their chances of securing admission has been complaining about how the changes they have made have refused to reflect.
last week i received a short message from a candidate which goes like this
“sir my change of course is not reflecting what should i do?” continue reading to find a lasting solution to this problem.
If you are experiencing this problem mentioned above you will surely receive an record not found message while trying to register for your post utme exams.
jamb change of institution problems
old course still appearing after change if course: if you have done a change to course but after waiting for several weeks or even months and you are still seeing the old course, you don’t need to panic as long as it’s done properly and submitted. just give JAMB time to refresh their database and also send a comprehensive list to your school.
change of institution but new institutions refuse to show: jamb boss has advised candidates who fall into this category not to worry as a comprehensive list roll soon be sent to all institutions for update
no confirmation mail after doing change of institution and course : it’s not necessary that you must receive a confirmation email from jamb each time you do a change of course or institution.
Conclusion :
Don’t allow frustration to set in and allows you to revert to your old institution as this might worsen issues.
secondly you don’t need to go and get another jamb change of course and institution form..
be patient and allow jamb to follow all due process and I assure you that your course and institution will reflect in no distance time.
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